February Featured Artist - Our Photographers Circle Magazine

CONGRATULATIONS! You have been chosen as our February FEATURED ARTIST at Our Photographers Circle Magazine!
Throughout the month of February, we will be sharing your beautiful work on our Facebook and Instagram Pages:
And you will receive:
- Recognition throughout the month of February on our FB page and Social Media
- Images shared on our FB Banner
- a $50 Amazon Gift Card
- a double-page feature in one of our upcoming issues
Please email in up to 30 of your favorite images (in full resolution), watermark free, by February 22nd at 9am MST for us to share throughout the month. (Please note, that we are most interested in images that fit the current season/ month. So for Feb: Valentines, pinks, reds, hearts, love, winter, snuggles etc. ) Via a google drive link is preferred. As well as a bio, social media handles and a head shot. We will reach out for further info when it comes to your double feature in one of our upcoming issues.
Email Rebecca Mabey at ourphotographerscircle@gmail.com
And in receiving your email we will send your gift card your way! (if there is a specific email you would like us to use, please specify)
By sending in your images, you acknowledge you have the full copy right and ownership of your images AND have permissions of the individuals to use them on our social media and in the magazine.
Thank you again! We look forward to sharing your work.
-The Our Photographers Circle Magazine Team